Amanda (Berchem now but moves around) WARNING

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A classic case of bait and switch.

She had been on my list for some time. She periodically moves to different cities within Belgium but is currently in Berchem (Antwerp).

I finally made an appointment to see her. The woman that greeted me was quite a bit older (at least 10 years older), much darker, much heavier, and had no facial or physical features that resemble the photos. In other words, this is not a Photoshop job but a clear case of bait-and-switch.

I've been around the block a few times so I have seen plenty of enhanced photos (and I expect photos to have been retouched). However, this is only the second time I have encountered a bait-and-switch.

I didn't stay.
Oud onderwerp: Hoi . Er is al meer dan 120 dagen geen bericht meer geplaatst in dit onderwerp.
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