Sex without condom

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Wait 3 weeks and then get tested. This is because a STD has a 3 week incubation period. Even when having no symptoms, you can be a-sympthomatic, so get tested anyway.

Try to substain from blowjobs and intercourse. If this is not doable, please use a condom for both activities (blowjob and intercourse).

If you seem to have symptoms within 3 weeks, which are easily found on google, you can get tested. If negative, please repeat the test after the 3 week period. You can still test falsly negative within 3 weeks.

Hopefuly I have helped you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me in private :)
Wait 3 weeks and then get tested. This is because a STD has a 3 week incubation period. Even when having no symptoms, you can be a-sympthomatic, so get tested anyway.

Try to substain from blowjobs and intercourse. If this is not doable, please use a condom for both activities (blowjob and intercourse).

If you seem to have symptoms within 3 weeks, which are easily found on google, you can get tested. If negative, please repeat the test after the 3 week period. You can still test falsly negative within 3 weeks.

Hopefuly I have helped you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me in private :)
The woman told me she uses prep pills.

Wait 3 weeks and then get tested. This is because a STD has a 3 week incubation period. Even when having no symptoms, you can be a-sympthomatic, so get tested anyway.

Try to substain from blowjobs and intercourse. If this is not doable, please use a condom for both activities (blowjob and intercourse).

If you seem to have symptoms within 3 weeks, which are easily found on google, you can get tested. If negative, please repeat the test after the 3 week period. You can still test falsly negative within 3 weeks.

Hopefuly I have helped you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me in private :)
How much is the probability to be infected of hiv.
The woman told me she uses prep pills.
That is ONLY to try and prevent HIV. No other STDs are involved when it comes to PrEP.

How much is the probability to be infected of hiv.
This is very small BUT its never zero. I would get it tested but you can only test this after 3 months, in some cases even 6. It is wise to get your blood tested for other STDs so just ask if they can include HIV straight away (which is almost standard and they will tell you to get blood tested again after 3 months)

This is from my own experience
This is very small BUT its never zero. I would get it tested but you can only test this after 3 months, in some cases even 6. It is wise to get your blood tested for other STDs so just ask if they can include HIV straight away (which is almost standard and they will tell you to get blood tested again after 3 months)

This is from my own experience
Thankyou, I will follow my situations.
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