Recente inhoud door Claudy

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  1. C

    WHEM Aisha Bulgaarse

    Aisha Bulgaarse Meesteress Schippersstraat 14 - 3 Verschrikkelijk - Blijf haar af. Oneerlijke. Stop in het midden van de sessie om meer geld te vragen. Benefen alle peil SM ervaring! Ben naar VT en SKW elk week sinds 2001 en het is de slechtste SM ervaring dat ik nooit gehad heb.
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    WHEM Mistress Kiana - Melissa - Bea - Maria (Roe) Antwerpen

    Want to experiment a great SM session to get rid of your stress after a busy week at work! After 1 hour session, those 4 beauties can make you a reset of your mental worries! After session, you feel mentally better, so you can again work/perform better without any burn-out! Sessions should be...
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    Recensie Micha, Antwerpen

    Nee prive ontvangst op afspraak. Stuur haar gewoon een sms halfdag tevoren.
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    Recensie Micha, Antwerpen

    Always great sex with Micha! One of the best "riding girl dick" in Antwerpen.
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    WHEM Beesties in Antwerpen

    - Mistress Kiana. - Mistress Melissa. - Mistress Beatrice - Mistress Maria. This is for sure not a ranking between them. They are all besties. These 4 Mistresses have they own way of giving sessions and do they job very well to give satisfaction to clients. Have been visiting Mistresses...
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    Recensie Ruby (Roe), Antwerpen, Schippersstraat 22/1

    Went today to Ruby (Roe) SKW 22 Antwerpen. Very very disappointing. - Rude. - Low service minded. - unpleasant. Keep away from her. She is just a waste. I have been to SKW for 20 years now and I have never so disappointed with a girl.
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