WHEM Kaly, Amsterdam

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Het is inderdaad een raar wijf. Begrijpt dus slecht Engels en maakt je uit voor idioot als je haar vraagt of ze beschikbaar is voor ontvangst.
Zelfde ervaring, volgens mij doet ze geen afspraakjes maar lokt ze je naar de onlyfans pagina waar je mag betalen voor haar fotos.
Weer een nep recensie op Kinky van haar of personeel van Kinky.nl zelf.
I'm alucinating... I'm not a weird person and my profile is not fake. I'm fluent in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Maybe you must to see the way you talk to others. I'm not a machine, I don't take more than 3 dates per day and don't say yes to everyone. I receive messages and calls from very uneducated guys, if you are the type of person who doesn't show education or you are looking for fast sex... I'm not your lady.

It seems like some guys can't deal with the frustration of the negative answer, but you must to understand something portant: I'm not obligated to say yes to everything, I have my rights to reject calls when I don't like the way that I'm treated. But you don't have the right to defame me and talk maliciously about my work. In fact this forum is against the European laws of personal data protection.

So calm down, look for someone who really have compatibility with you and don't try to humiliate people in public because you couldn't get what you want. Sometimes money can't buy everything. I'm very selective with the gentlemen who visit me, this option is my right and don't make me bad person or fake.

Have a good day and try to do something constructive with your life.

Also adding that during the COVID restrictions I was offering only virtual services, what was clear on my profile until kinky opened the proper area for these services (guys were very annoying trying to get a date). But I never lied, always was clear on my profile. Not my fault if someone wants something different to my offer.
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