Recensie Bruna, Alphen aan den Rijn (vh Oegstgeest, Amstelveen) 4,40 ster(ren)

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You should always make an appointment with her a few days in advance. It never works at the last minute. She often also does other things such as courses and more. I met her once and it was a very nice date. After that it still didn't work for me. But that's mainly because I'm a last minute guy. Never plan that far ahead. At most 1 day.
100% agreed
But the thing is- on instances she had responded immediately and then when I started asking for slots, she didn't respond. I responded almost immediately. Very strange sometimes. And following that day, I see she has not come online on kinky either. Very attractive lady though.

Wanna go back again and again and I figured out why. It's not because of the the looks or French kissing- a lot of girls do that- but it's because of the English. At least you can talk a bit while having sex.
I finally got over this lady. This is my rule of thumb. If I like fucking a lady a lot, visit as much as possible and get bored with it. That's what happened today. I am no longer interested. Good girl, pretty, hot but bad with communication. I enjoyed on all three instances but I didn't find it very arousing today- and I cannot say I am unhappy about it because trying new girls is a slightly better idea in my humble opinion.
Ik heb wel een leuke herinnering aan Paulinha. Was eigenlijk mijn enige keer dat ik sex heb gehad op een soort van woonboot. Was wel al een tijd geleden. Heb haar eigenlijk nooit meer terug bezocht. Was allemaal heel leuk en ontspannen, maar bij haar moet je altijd best ver van te voren inplannen en zo'n persoon ben ik niet. Maar ze is slim, echt leuk en veel mooier dan op de foto's. In het echt ook vrolijker dan op de foto's. Kreeg ook wijn aangeboden. Half glaasje vooraf gedronken en de rest achteraf. Ik kan me de date nog goed herinneren maar is wel zeker 3 jaar geleden. Maar dat is een goed teken. Sommige dates weet ik eigenlijk niets meer van. Maar van deze wel. Was prima met haar. Echt genoten.
One of my favs too but the thing which made me wanna go back again and again was her English, me being a person who likes a talk a thing or two during sex. Otherwise, there's a boat load of girls out there hotter than her. Fortunately, I figured that her and I am not gonna spend any more money on her. Have literally spent more than 1500 bucks on her alone.
Then she studied well. 3 years ago when i met her she only spoke some words English. Fortunately I also speak some Spanish and Brazilan people understand most of it although their language is Portugese.

When i met her she just started with private lessons English. Now i hear to my joy she is speaking English good. Well done Paulinha!
5,00 ster(ren)
5,00 ster(ren)
5,00 ster(ren)
5,00 ster(ren)
5,00 ster(ren)
  1. Beffen
  2. Pijpen zonder condoom
Gesproken taal
Algehele Hygiëne
1.60 m - 1.70 m
Duur van bezoek
60 minuten
Link naar advertentie
Totale kosten (in euro)
Algemene beoordeling
5,00 ster(ren)
Na de goede recensies hierboven ben ik eindelijk deze week langs gegaan. Alles is hierboven al gezegd. Het is een lieve meid die geweldig kust. Ik vind haar persoonlijk in het echt mooier dan op de foto's. In het echt vind ik haar stuk kleiner had haar langer verwacht dacht meteen aan de lievelings categorie van @Omdatikhetlekkervind klein slank en fijn🤣. Ze is een lieve dame die lekker meedoet en eigen initiatief toont. Helaas is ze hier tot 25 dec en dan gaat ze studie volgen in brazilië. Ze verwacht dan pas in de zomer weer terug te komen. Jammer want ze heeft wel potentie om een van mijn vaste dame te worden. Dus hooelijk matchen onze agenda nog een keer voordat ze weg is.
Haar moeder noemde zich vroeger Claudinha. Was nog voor covid tijd. Ik heb die advertenties van haar moeder wel zien staan, maar haar nooit ontmoet. Paulinha 1 keer ontmoet. Hele leuke en slimme meid.
Claudinha is terug naar brazilie.
Lekker geil vroutje ook, zie recensietopic Claudinha.
Yes, but Paulinha has kept her profile still active as she is now on "onlyfans" lol. That way she can generate some money remotely. Smarter than the new Brazilian President at least- Lula or whatever his name is.

Man- I am still skeptical about her mom being in the works. I searched all over girlsreview like a rash but couldn't find any reviews related to Claudinha. I think the people who started talking about Claudinha had too much of boerenkool met worst lol. Bad food can make you "gek".
Yes, but Paulinha has kept her profile still active as she is now on "onlyfans" lol. That way she can generate some money remotely. Smarter than the new Brazilian President at least- Lula or whatever his name is.

Man- I am still skeptical about her mom being in the works. I searched all over girlsreview like a rash but couldn't find any reviews related to Claudinha. I think the people who started talking about Claudinha had too much of boerenkool met worst lol. Bad food can make you "gek".
Her mother was working in Holland before covid in 2018 en 2019. At that time this forum was not existing. So you will find not much about Claudinha here. It was on the H**kers site. What is not existing anymore.

But in this topic there is written something about her:

4,00 ster(ren)
4,00 ster(ren)
4,00 ster(ren)
4,00 ster(ren)
  1. Beffen
  2. Pijpen zonder condoom
Gesproken taal
Algehele Hygiëne
1.60 m - 1.70 m
Duur van bezoek
60 minuten
Link naar advertentie
Totale kosten (in euro)
Algemene beoordeling
3,00 ster(ren)
I just realized that I never wrote a review on Paulinha actually even though I have visited her probably 4 to 5 times. This is a retrospective review.

I do think her services are good including French Kissing but the thing which made it more lucrative for me was actually her English. I know that may sound crazy but a few conversations here and there during the act actually arouses me more. Otherwise- and I'll be brutally honest here- there are at least 1369 girls better than her- in terms of both looks and service.

But I still stopped visiting her. Why you might ask? Well, because her response times and the communication itself over WhatsApp sucks more than the NL government's promises of building more than 100k houses in NL every year. I completely understand she takes lessons and is not available on certain days, and that's ok. But there have been times where she had replied stating she is available "right then" but then when I asked for timings, there were no responses. Now, it may have been the case that she gave priority to her other "the client that doesn't have one ball" priority over me but I hardly give a fuck about that. As an end customer, a bad experience is a bad experience. Period.

Paulinha is very transactional. She herself doesn't enjoy the act and does it solely for money. She refrained from coming a lot of times probably because she had to still work for the day (Yes, some girls have that). The services are professional but the passion is missing. Extremely extremely transactional. So the effort of even getting an appointment actually takes away the appetite for sex in my case. That was the "screw it" moment for me.

This lady below named Marine that I wrote a review for a few days back is at least 125 times better in looks, better in kissing (she literally bit my lips out of horniness (if you will)", better communication, better attitude. The only caveat is the lack of English which I absolutely do not mind compromising on if the other person is so good.

This is not my way of advertising Martina but I genuinely think there are a lot of other girls still available out there. Martina is just an example. Check out my review on Celina.

I don't even know how to rate her. The services are good but I wasn't satisfied. I am rating her because technically that's correct but experience wise not. And my way of resolving is to learn Spanish within this year so that I can continue to not give a fuck to the need for English speaking girls.
Laatst bewerkt:
Ze is inderdaad in Brazilie nu om een studie te volgen. Ik ben 1x bij haar geweest. Iets van 4 jaar geleden. Had ook wel meer willen afspreken. Maar ik ben meer iemand die op het laatste moment afspraken maakt en dat lukt bij haar nooit. Maar die keer dat ik haar zag genoot ze wel en spande ze zich ook goed in. Misschien is ze in de loop der jaren wat gemakzuchtiger geworden. Wel een hele lieve dame in ieder geval. Als ze terugkomt in de zomervakantie overweeg wel haar weer te bezoeken.
Vorig jaar heeft ze mij een keer geappt dat ze misschien in de zomer hierheen zou komen. Maar ze is niet geweest. Volgens mij volgt ze nu een studie in Brazilie. Heb haar maar 1 x gezien maar het is een slimme meid. Misschien volgend jaar dan? Of met kerst misschien.


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