Algemeen Escort Agencies

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Voor het eerst sinds dat ik high class escorts boek, mijn de dame weggestuurd en mjn beklag gedaan bij het bureau. Dit naar aanleiding van de date van gisterenavond.
De dame in kwestie was nog vrij nieuw in het vak, maar ik heb tijdens de date een uitgebreid verslag voorbij horen komen, van haar 3 voorgaande dates. Kortom Ik heb haar naar een kleine 90 minuten gevraagd om weg te gaan. Direct heb ik contact gezocht desbetreffende bureau en heb naar overleg mijn geld terug gekregen.
Je vraagt je dan af wat er door het hoofd van de escort gaat. Ik heb ook wel ongemanierde escorts meegemaakt en gaf ze achteraf te vaak het voordeel van de twijfel dat ze onervaren en wellicht zenuwachtig zijn. Verder sluit ik me aan bij Tom024.
Voor het eerst sinds dat ik high class escorts boek, mijn de dame weggestuurd en mjn beklag gedaan bij het bureau. Dit naar aanleiding van de date van gisterenavond.
De dame in kwestie was nog vrij nieuw in het vak, maar ik heb tijdens de date een uitgebreid verslag voorbij horen komen, van haar 3 voorgaande dates. Kortom Ik heb haar naar een kleine 90 minuten gevraagd om weg te gaan. Direct heb ik contact gezocht desbetreffende bureau en heb naar overleg mijn geld terug gekregen.
Dan heb je het nog lang volgehouden met 90 minuten.
Was het niet mogelijk om het gesprek een andere wending te geven of aan te geven dat je niet in detail hoeft te weten hoe andere dates waren?

Ik snap dat het de sfeer voor je kan verpesten en het komt niet echt professioneel over. Voor dat geld verwacht je wat anders natuurlijk.
Bij een goedkope escort kun je nog denken laat maar en zo snel mogelijk het bed in duiken als het verder qua uiterlijk een leuke meid is.
Het bureau heeft me inmiddels laten weten dat de betreffende dame sinds gisterenavond niet meer voor hen werkt.
Het is niet mijn stijl om direct man en paard bij naam te noemen, maar mocht je het willen weten dan mag je me altijd een DM sturen.
Dan heb je het nog lang volgehouden met 90 minuten.
Was het niet mogelijk om het gesprek een andere wending te geven of aan te geven dat je niet in detail hoeft te weten hoe andere dates waren?
Dat heb ik zeker geprobeerd, ik heb zelfs letterlijk gezegd, dat ik het niet prettig vindt te praten over haar vorige belevenissen. Natuurlijk kan er altijd iets merkwaardigs oid voorbij komen, maar dit ging echt te ver. Ik wilde het zeker een kans geven, maar deze dame was overduidelijk niet geschikt.
Het bureau heeft me inmiddels laten weten dat de betreffende dame sinds gisterenavond niet meer voor hen werkt.
Het is niet mijn stijl om direct man en paard bij naam te noemen, maar mocht je het willen weten dan mag je me altijd een DM sturen.

Dat heb ik zeker geprobeerd, ik heb zelfs letterlijk gezegd, dat ik het niet prettig vindt te praten over haar vorige belevenissen. Natuurlijk kan er altijd iets merkwaardigs oid voorbij komen, maar dit ging echt te ver. Ik wilde het zeker een kans geven, maar deze dame was overduidelijk niet geschikt.
Netjes opgelost
Toch verbaast mij dit. Ik zou verwachten dat als je een high class escort boekt je iig een professionele dame mag verwachten. Blijkbaar is dit lang niet altijd het geval. Ik heb zelf tot nu toe twee keer een high class dame in een privé Spa "ontvangen ", en beide waren wel ok. (Een dame via kinky en een via een agency). Maar het blijft dus altijd opletten. Wel positief dat het agency dit serieus neemt, maar toch.
Toch verbaast mij dit. Ik zou verwachten dat als je een high class escort boekt je iig een professionele dame mag verwachten. Blijkbaar is dit lang niet altijd het geval. Ik heb zelf tot nu toe twee keer een high class dame in een privé Spa "ontvangen ", en beide waren wel ok. (Een dame via kinky en een via een agency). Maar het blijft dus altijd opletten. Wel positief dat het agency dit serieus neemt, maar toch.
Ja je zou het verwachten en vaak gaat het ook prima. Het is ook de eerste keer dat ik een dame weg heb gestuurd in een date.
Maar goed, het is netjes opgelost door het bureau en nu maar weer door voor een volgende positieve ervaring.
Guys (and ladies?) thank you so much for the suggestions. Ideally I would settle the balance in advance but I have yet to find an excuse for withdrawing such amounts from my account. I am now using a business account for a side hustle but (rightly so) one of the agency owners pointed out that I would need to make sure my admin was accurate since this is not a business expense but a personal one. I was using this account for reasons of discretion, not to dodge taxes.

When paying cash I have an envelop ready with her name on it, together with a small personal gift. I put it in a place visible and if she doesn't reach for it within the first few minutes I point it out to her. I don't mind being reminded this is at the end of the day a transaction, as long as it doesn't feel that way during the appointment itself.

Something I've been hesitant to share: I've become very fond of one of the ladies I've been meeting and as an adult of sane mind am fully aware there's no room for 'real' romance. Neither will I ever leave my current partner. I have seen other escorts in between as well. I try to enjoy these feelings but I feel really stupid for having developed feelings of 'love' for an escort. No disrespect intended at all, they are persons just like you and me and deserve to be loved, but I didn't really think this would happen. `I try to remind myself of the business aspect but that doesn't help much. I also understand she's being paid to be nice to me, etc. etc. but that doesn't seem to change my feelings and it's really confusing. On occasion, my mind is running circles. Does anybody recognize this? I'm contemplating contacting the agency for help, they must have experience with this, but perhaps this portal is more useful.
This seems to be my case too, or very similar at any rate, and I must say it's very comforting to read about someone else's experience that is along the same lines. Now I have been looking for a girl who would be the perfect match for my needs all along, so that I could basically keep seeing only her from time to time and avoid having to meet new girls all the time, and put up with the many disappointments and bad experiences which that entails - and believe me, I've had my share of these! In the few cases when my experience was positive, the girl in question would soon disappear, leave the job or the country, or else my enthusiasm was not reciprocated. After moving to the high-price end of the market in the hope I'd find what I wanted, I finally found an amazing escort who I always have a great time with. But soon the feelings developed on my side. Being a grown up and rational man, I am well aware of the absurdity of this situation, and the girl herself has done nothing to give me any false hopes of a different type of relationship. I also have a family I do not intend to leave, loads of responsibilities, etc etc. Perhaps this would not have happened if I could meet her more often, but due to a number of reasons, I can't: it's too much money, discretion is very important, and so on. So, over time, I have had to learn how to cope with my feelings and keep them under control. I am still learning, as the strong feelings seem to come in bouts. For a few weeks everything seems to be OK, but then my feelings drive me crazy for a while, becoming almost obsessive at times, especially if I can't see her, but have to wait for weeks until our next date... Finally I have concluded that the wisest thing to do is simply take it easy, go on with your life, take it as it comes and enjoy it while it lasts. Easier said than done, true, but at the end of the day I am happy that I have met her, I enjoy every moment we can be together and I am grateful for what she gives me. I have often wondered if all this is just an illusion on my part, as she is paid to provide a good service, and that's precisely what she does - and nothing more than that, perhaps. But I do not think it's that simple after all. Escorts are human and they have feelings too, and this sort of relationship is tricky, especially as she provides astonishingly "real" GFE. I do believe she really enjoys the time she spends with me too - she certainly does enjoy the sex! And we are in direct contact, as she is independent, using only a web platform rather than a typical agency. So no wonder I ended up seeing her as a kind of part-time girlfriend (though paid). If it's an illusion, the illusion is so powerful and intoxicating that I have wilingly surrendered to it! There is a website I have found very helpful and interesting, and which I warmly recommend. It's called "the satisfaction project", and has articles on various topics written by an Australian escort, Georgie Wolf. Deals with typical situations, like mine and yours, explains them and offers some sane practical advice. I found it worked for me to a degree, it put me at ease somewhat and provided some valuable insights. The journey continues, and we must live and learn, as the saying goes :)
Laatst bewerkt:
I can understand that men get feelings for some of the ladies especially when they act more personal and you do also other activities with them. On the other side I am lucky to not have these kind of feelings for them. I can enjoy the time and the sex but for me it always stays a kind of business relationship I pay for.

For me it is more that I want to have quality time and good sex with a lady.
Falling in love or getting feelings for someone is only happening in real life for me.

After 3 different dates with a high class escort I think I like it, but I am not completely convinced about the real adding value of some of them. I expected a bit more from it related to looks and background.
I understand and also think that it is logical that the more you see a lady, a certain professional bond is built up. I think it is human nature to link more to this band than just a professional relationship.

I've also struggled with "what am I feeling now" in the past
What helped me a lot is the realization that you have a professional band. The lady gives you the perfect girlfriend, but in the end this is only (partly) an act. As long as there's money to be made, she'll be the perfect girlfriend. But when the money runs out she goes back to her normal self and that is often completely different from what you see and get as a customer.
Guys (and ladies?) thank you so much for the suggestions. Ideally I would settle the balance in advance but I have yet to find an excuse for withdrawing such amounts from my account. I am now using a business account for a side hustle but (rightly so) one of the agency owners pointed out that I would need to make sure my admin was accurate since this is not a business expense but a personal one. I was using this account for reasons of discretion, not to dodge taxes.

When paying cash I have an envelop ready with her name on it, together with a small personal gift. I put it in a place visible and if she doesn't reach for it within the first few minutes I point it out to her. I don't mind being reminded this is at the end of the day a transaction, as long as it doesn't feel that way during the appointment itself.

Something I've been hesitant to share: I've become very fond of one of the ladies I've been meeting and as an adult of sane mind am fully aware there's no room for 'real' romance. Neither will I ever leave my current partner. I have seen other escorts in between as well. I try to enjoy these feelings but I feel really stupid for having developed feelings of 'love' for an escort. No disrespect intended at all, they are persons just like you and me and deserve to be loved, but I didn't really think this would happen. `I try to remind myself of the business aspect but that doesn't help much. I also understand she's being paid to be nice to me, etc. etc. but that doesn't seem to change my feelings and it's really confusing. On occasion, my mind is running circles. Does anybody recognize this? I'm contemplating contacting the agency for help, they must have experience with this, but perhaps this portal is more useful.
This seems to be my case too, or very similar at any rate, and I must say it's very comforting to read about someone else's experience that is along the same lines. Now I have been looking for a girl who would be the perfect match for my needs all along, so that I could basically keep seeing only her from time to time and avoid having to meet new girls all the time, and put up with the many disappointments and bad experiences which that entails - and believe me, I've had my share of these! In the few cases when my experience was positive, the girl in question would soon disappear, leave the job or the country, or else my enthusiasm was not reciprocated. After moving to the high-price end of the market in the hope I'd find what I wanted, I finally found an amazing escort who I always have a great time with. But soon the feelings developed on my side. Being a grown up and rational man, I am well aware of the absurdity of this situation, and the girl herself has done nothing to give me any false hopes. I also have a family I do not intend to leave, loads of responsibilities, etc etc. Perhaps this would not happen if I could meet her more often, but due to a number of reasons, I can't: it's too much money, discretion is important, and so on. So, over time, I had to learn how to cope with my feelings and have them under control. I am still learning, as they seem to come in bouts. For a few weeks it's OK, then it drives me crazy for a while, especially if I can't see her but have to wait... But it seems to me the wisest thing to do is simply take it easy, go on with your life, take it as it comes and enjoy it while it lasts. Easier said than done, but at the end of the day I am happy that I met her, I enjoy every moment we can be together and I am grateful for what she gives me. I have often wondered if all this is just an illusion on my part, as she is paid to provide a good service, and that's what she does. But I do not think it's that simple after all. Escorts are human and they have feelings too, and this sort of relationship is tricky, especially as she provides real GFE. I do believe she really enjoys the time she spends with me too. So no wonder I ended up seeing her as a kind of part-time girlfriend (though paid). If it's an illusion, the illusion is so powerful and intoxicating that I have wilingly surrendered to it! There is a website I have found very helpful and interesting, and which I warmly recommend. It's called "the satisfaction project", and has articles on various topics written by an Australian escort, Georgie Wolf. Deals with typical situations, like mine and yours, explains them and offers some sane practical advice. I found it put me at ease somewhat and provided some valuable insights. The journey continues, live and learn, as the saying goes
I can understand that men get feelings for some of the ladies especially when they act more personal and you do also other activities with them. On the other side I am lucky to not have these kind of feelings for them. I can enjoy the time and the sex but for me it always stays a kind of business relationship I pay for.

For me it is more that I want to have quality time and good sex with a lady.
Falling in love or getting feelings for someone is only happening in real life for me.

After 3 different dates with a high class escort I think I like it, but I am not completely convinced about the real adding value of some of them. I expected a bit more from it related to looks and background.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! What you describe is the normal and rational attitude which I share in principle, I know that this is what such a relationship is, and that it's nothing more really. And I also know exactly what you mean when you say you expected a bit more in terms of looks and background. That is my experience too. In spite of the extremely high prices, this is still way below the standard of persons you would meet in "real life", in terms of culture, education, sophistication, and the looks sometimes leave much to be desired as well. But then, the women I meet in real life are not in for casual sex with no committments, nor do I think they would ever dream of working as escorts. The point is that being strictly professional leaves me wanting something more, and a good GFE creates the sweet illusion that it's there... and with this one particular lady, the sex is so good, and the fun so much fun, that the illusion is even more powerful. But I have simply decided to keep it professional and go along with it as long as it lasts and as long I enjoy it, and can afford it as well.
The hardest part is that you have to distinguish between normal life and your dating experiences.
The thing is that it is often difficult to test whether what the lady gives you back is part of the act, or sincere. I also book a lady who consciously chooses to stay very close to herself, because, as she says herself, she cannot and does not want to perform an act. she does have very clear boundaries, but is 100% herself within those boundaries. Her words are also, the relationship with a customer lasts as long as this customer books and pays me. She is aware that a man can fall in love faster, but she says that by being sincere and honest, she and her clients find the experience better.
I believe that the service I am getting is sincere, and that my favourite escort really enjoys her time with me. I don't think she is faking it, especially not in sex, which is great, and in which there are some signs of enjoyment that I don't think can be faked! But the point is also that we have our separate and completely different lives, and that the relationship only lasts and can last as long as I book her.
So glad to read about other people also experiencing this!
I started writing my whole story but deleted it. Maybe another time.

Small remark though. In my case the feeling was mutual but she "was not made for having a relationship" she said... She therefore thought it might better to stop dating but she didn't want to disappoint me. This is 3 months ago and I think of her every day.
I'm realistic, grown up, don't fall in love easily etc. But this was lightning, on both ends. Very long hugs and crying at goodbyes, both of us. Each next date it was more difficult to leave.

Even though she works for an agency and threre is no direct contact and she uses an alias, I know who she is IRL and she knows who I am. Based on our talks the first date she Googled a bit and found me online quite easily (uncommon first name + peculiar job...), and also I managed to find her in 3 min based on what she said that first date (6h). We both know the other knows.
Since IRL she has a business with a website, I know her address, have her phone number, and e-mail. I'm not the stalking type and have never done anything with this info, but I very often feel like sending a mail, WhatsApp message, or even flowers... I do not, because respect her, but I wish, I wish........

I want to see her again but don't. Not sure I can keep it up though.
Just writing this already makes me miss her more and makes me feel very sad.
So glad to read about other people also experiencing this!
I started writing my whole story but deleted it. Maybe another time.

Small remark though. In my case the feeling was mutual but she "was not made for having a relationship" she said... She therefore thought it might better to stop dating but she didn't want to disappoint me. This is 3 months ago and I think of her every day.
I'm realistic, grown up, don't fall in love easily etc. But this was lightning, on both ends. Very long hugs and crying at goodbyes, both of us. Each next date it was more difficult to leave.

Even though she works for an agency and threre is no direct contact and she uses an alias, I know who she is IRL and she knows who I am. Based on our talks the first date she Googled a bit and found me online quite easily (uncommon first name + peculiar job...), and also I managed to find her in 3 min based on what she said that first date (6h). We both know the other knows.
Since IRL she has a business with a website, I know her address, have her phone number, and e-mail. I'm not the stalking type and have never done anything with this info, but I very often feel like sending a mail, WhatsApp message, or even flowers... I do not, because respect her, but I wish, I wish........

I want to see her again but don't. Not sure I can keep it up though.
Just writing this already makes me miss her more and makes me feel very sad.
I understand where you all coming from. Over the years i have encountered multiple women where i felt a good connection,and thought/hoped there was a mutual connection. With some years experience you recognise a lot of tricks women in this area show you to give you a good experience. Im not an expert in normal dating an do not have lot of relationship experience. So if i feel a mutual connection i enjoy it but it sometimes feels bad since it is just an experience for a few hours but at the end of it all im alone at home again.

One of my last high class dates i accidently encountered on tinder, real name and the city she lives. Could have tried to contact her but in the end i see its as a business deal where the women sell me a good service for money. I also dont think these women are waiting for private contact attempts/date invitations from customers. I also keep an eye out that high class agencies forbid privacy contact attempts with their women or even charge private hours you had with the lady with an extra 3x normal fee.

It really sucks sometimes all these interactions are temporary and you dont get to private date, build to a lasting relationship, but in the end it are intimitate business arrangements fore me. I also think we as customers dont know the real person behind the alias and their personal needs and expectations in love.

Therefore im not confident enough to contact these women private if i had the chance.
Laatst bewerkt:
Happy to read all these reactions! I recognize a bit of myself in all of them, and understand them all so well. At the same time I see that every situation is slightly different too. I was looking for an escort with whom I could have a sort of steady, long-term relationship, even though we only meet once in a while. The idea was to avoid having to meet new persons all the time, getting to know them, experimenting, taking risks and paying for all this when I actually don't like 9 out of 10 women I meet. I began at the cheaper end of the spectrum and then gradually moved to the higher end in the hope of finding what I was looking for. It's true the quality of service does not necessarily depend on the price, but usually the occasional ladies I happened to like quickly disappeared from my radar, for one reason or another. Another factor is also my preference for black women, and there were always very few available in the town I live in. So I started to look further afield too. But I have never tried agencies, only independent escorts. The lady of my choice advertises through a platform that enables you to contact the escort girl directly, so that's how it's been going all the while. I loved the idea, and it has worked really well for me. However, she does use a "professional" alias and phone number, so I don't know her real name or any other details, nor do I have her private number. However, being very open and communicative, she has told me quite a lot about herself, just without giving me the personal details. And it soon turned out that I really like being in touch via whatsapp, even when we do not discuss our next date, but the problem is I always feel like I would love more and more of that, and I still want to respect her boundaries and not impose myself on her too much. I sometimes think, if she has to communicate like this with all her clients, that must be driving her crazy! But on the whole, communication has been great, and fun, and that's just what makes it so tricky, as it begins to resemble a real-life-relationship. And as I can't seem to get enough of her, in a real life situation, I would simply meet her more often, perhaps once a week or so, which in the actual case is first not practicable, as we do not live in the same place, and secondly, I can't afford it either, as I am not a millionaire, and I am spending quite a lot on her as it is.
There is also the factor of her personal charm, which is undeniable, and I don't think it's fake at all - she is sweet, friendly, communicative, fun and natural, and a few of her other clients have written reviews mentioning the same experience. I don't think she is faking it with everyone, but that she is simply that kind of person, which in the end makes her such a great escort. But that's also what makes it difficult sometimes to keep my feelings under control and not get carried away, as I think what she wants is precisely what she does - to have a good time from time to time, without much committment, with many different men who pay her for what she provides. Thinking of this realistically, and in spite of my infatuation / love, I must admit that I am happy that I know her and that I can get from her what she is willing to give. And I am working on cultivating this as the right attitude...
So glad to read about other people also experiencing this!
I started writing my whole story but deleted it. Maybe another time.

Small remark though. In my case the feeling was mutual but she "was not made for having a relationship" she said... She therefore thought it might better to stop dating but she didn't want to disappoint me. This is 3 months ago and I think of her every day.
I'm realistic, grown up, don't fall in love easily etc. But this was lightning, on both ends. Very long hugs and crying at goodbyes, both of us. Each next date it was more difficult to leave.

Even though she works for an agency and threre is no direct contact and she uses an alias, I know who she is IRL and she knows who I am. Based on our talks the first date she Googled a bit and found me online quite easily (uncommon first name + peculiar job...), and also I managed to find her in 3 min based on what she said that first date (6h). We both know the other knows.
Since IRL she has a business with a website, I know her address, have her phone number, and e-mail. I'm not the stalking type and have never done anything with this info, but I very often feel like sending a mail, WhatsApp message, or even flowers... I do not, because respect her, but I wish, I wish........

I want to see her again but don't. Not sure I can keep it up though.
Just writing this already makes me miss her more and makes me feel very sad.
But why not suggest to her to establish a private contact, so that, even if you continue to book her as an escort, you could do it directly and avoid the agency? I have not had this problem as I only met a few escorts in total, all of them independent, so that the contact was always direct, and my preferred lady, who has captured my feelings, has a separate, business phone number and email, as well as a business identity/name, so we communicate through these, but always directly.
And also, I must say I don't think I can imagine her crying for me... I did cry on a date with her once, when I told her that I thought I liked her too much for my own good, and that this was becoming a bit of a problem for me. That was at a moment when my infatuation was at its peak. She was supportive, in a good way, not giving me false hopes but urging me to enjoy the good side of it all, and since then we seem to have settled into a more or less steady course of occasional dates. There are still moments when my emotions get the better of me, or I simply become impatient because I miss her and there is no opportunity to meet immediately. So it's a bit like a mild roller-coaster, sometimes I feel just fine, and there are periods when I get all jittery, especially when I know I won't be able to see her for a few weeks, and I wish I could. But on the whole I seem to be getting used to it, and I tell myself this is still something I prefer than never having met her at all. And sometimes there are unexpected lucky moments, when an opportunity to meet suddenly arises... And now is just one such moment, as we have scheduled an unexpected date at short notice. I am so excited that I will see her again soon, and when I know this, my emotions seem to calm down immediately. A bit like Tantal's suffering, I guess?
Na voorzichtig de eerste stapjes in de wereld van de high class escorts gezegd te hebben. Heb er nu 5 dates op zitten. Ben ik wel benieuwd naar jullie ervaringen met overnachtingen. Ik denk er over om een dame te boeken voor 16 of 24 uur.
Twijfel alleen of het wat extra's bied omdat je een groot deel van de tijd toch slapend doorbrengt. Lees graag jullie ideeën en ervaringen.
Ik zou het afraden. Je bent inderdaad veel tijd kwijt aan slapen. Dat zijn dure uren waar je niks aan hebt. Als je meer tijd wilt doorbrengen met een escort, kun je beter een langere date overdag doen. Dan kun je samen een dagje uit.
Dat is dus ook waar aan ik zit te denken. Ik slaap ook al weer een tijdje alleen dus vraag me ook af of het niet gek aan voelt
Ik kan en ga het niet betalen, maar het lijkt mij ook niet echt zinvol om een dame 16 tot 24 uur te boeken.
Je moet elkaar de hele dag vermaken en je slaapt inderdaad ook nog eens een uurtje of 8. Als je echt niet weet wat je met je geld moet doen, dan zou ik max 12 uur doen en dan bijvoorbeeld een leuk dagje weg boeken met hotel, hapje eten en een laatste wip.
Ik kan en ga het niet betalen, maar het lijkt mij ook niet echt zinvol om een dame 16 tot 24 uur te boeken.
Je moet elkaar de hele dag vermaken en je slaapt inderdaad ook nog eens een uurtje of 8. Als je echt niet weet wat je met je geld moet doen, dan zou ik max 12 uur doen en dan bijvoorbeeld een leuk dagje weg boeken met hotel, hapje eten en een laatste wip.
Tot nu heb ik dates van 6 uur gedaan, volgens het escortbureau is een 16 of 24 uurs boeking aan te bevelen boven de 12 uurs boeking i.v.m. de overnachting.
Nu snap ik ook wel dat het hun marketing is. Ja dat slapen is ook iets waar ik nog niet van overtuigd ben. Het gaat mij in eerste instantie niet om het geld maar wel om of het een extra dimensie geeft aan een date. twijfel er zelf over.
Tot nu heb ik dates van 6 uur gedaan, volgens het escortbureau is een 16 of 24 uurs boeking aan te bevelen boven de 12 uurs boeking i.v.m. de overnachting.
Nu snap ik ook wel dat het hun marketing is. Ja dat slapen is ook iets waar ik nog niet van overtuigd ben. Het gaat mij in eerste instantie niet om het geld maar wel om of het een extra dimensie geeft aan een date. twijfel er zelf over.
Het is meer de ervaring om een dame naast je te hebben liggen en geen haast te hoeven maken om de date af te ronden aan het einde van de avond. Het is dus ook een stukje gemak in dat opzicht. Kun je nog een snelle ochtendwip en een ontbijt samen doen.
Het is meer de ervaring om een dame naast je te hebben liggen en geen haast te hoeven maken om de date af te ronden aan het einde van de avond. Het is dus ook een stukje gemak in dat opzicht. Kun je nog een snelle ochtendwip en een ontbijt samen doen.
van de ochtendwip ben ik niet zo. maar dat ontbijt klinkt dan wel weer aantrekkelijk. Ga het denk ik toch maar eens proberen. Zal laten weten hoe het bevallen is.
Het is meer de ervaring om een dame naast je te hebben liggen en geen haast te hoeven maken om de date af te ronden aan het einde van de avond. Het is dus ook een stukje gemak in dat opzicht. Kun je nog een snelle ochtendwip en een ontbijt samen doen.
Precisely! Would love to try it some time. But the financial constraints do play a significant role. That's why so far it's only been lunch or dinner for me 🤣

Fijne Internationale Dag v/d Vrede!


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